Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Caneel Bay

A shot overlooking Caneel Bay on St John from Sunday.  I haven't been down to Caneel Bay yet, possibly because Cinnamon is my favorite, and possibly because it's a $10 entry fee.  I'm sure I'll make my way there one day though.  In the meantime I'll just enjoy the view I can get from the road on my way around the island.


  1. Why is there a fee to visit the bay?

    Sure looks beautiful.

  2. Some of the beaches are run by different authorities (Magen's Bay and Lindquist both charge entry fees), and I suppose they use that money to maintain the beach and surrounding areas. Caneel Bay also has some ruins (an old sugar mill from the 1800's I think), that you can check out while you're there, so perhaps some of the money gets funneled into that.

  3. The water looks so clear and the sand so fine! Wonderful!

  4. Please know that we welcome day visitors to Caneel Bay. Due to incredible increases in traffic volume, we have experienced more wear and tear to the resort grounds, especially around our small parking lot. It was felt we needed to implement a fee to assist us in maintaining our grounds to the standard expected. The $10 parking charge will be waived upon proof that $10 or more has been spent in the bar or one of the restaurants.
    Patrick Kidd, Director of Marketing

  5. Thanks for the details Patrick - I think the beach looks great, and being able to swap a $10 parking charge for $10 at the bar sounds like a great idea!
